Monday 21 April 2008

Have you got a spare cig mate?

That question. Have you got a spare cig mate? I must have said it to at least 50 people and all with the same answer. No. Although a few from the older generations advised I quit 'that dirty habit'.
The lecture on smoking brought up the idea of it being 'sexy' and 'cool', with film stars and other celebs being pin pointed as evidence. You can see the picture Im trying to paint, the leather jacket, slick black hair with a marlboro hanging out of his mouth in the disco. All the girls obviously fancy this boy because of the smoke he's inhaling. Ok, maybe 50 years ago, after all we are swamped with gym adverts on t.v and healthy living being promoted through food etc.
But the whole issue about the cigarette still ponders on. It makes your clothes and breathe stink as well as slowly killing you. I dont need to tell any smokers that, it clearly states it on every cigarette box sold. But still we smoke, obviously informed of the negative effects to come from the habit, not to mention the expense. I have included two websites for both sides of the arguement, you can see which one has the best reasons why you should/should'nt smoke. - anti smoking
People will always challenge authorities, it just seem to be in us from birth. By being told not to do something, there is always that little bit in you that wants to say, ''You know what? I think I will''. Smoking is a personal choice at the end of the day, its only you and your cigarette. So.....Has anyone got a spare cig? No?....
Dirty habit anyway.

1 comment:

Kuba said...

After my pro smoking note on my own blog I actually have to agree with you - dirty habit. That it is killing us we knew before. But is it really cool and independent to stink like sh and have taste like sh in mouth. And the money, 4 packs of cigs and I could go to the rock show. At the moments like right now I'm thinking about quiting. But I robably won't. At least now. But I hope, someday...
Smoking is so bad...