Wednesday 23 April 2008

Bad Comedians

'Bad Comedians' such as Roy Chubby Brown and Bernard Manning where shown on the power point in the lecture. They fall into the group who's jokes/gags are usually racially motivated. Is it racist to poke fun at another race in the form of a joke? I think that if its funny and only to make people laugh rather than embarrase or hate a minority then no. The problem is, deciding what is funny and what isn't. Personally I dont care what subject a joke may be based on, as long as it gets a laugh and its usable then I'm fine.

Ricky Gervais raised a fair amount of controversy while on tour making his stand-up DVD 'Fame'. He included several jokes aimed at cancer patients. Alot would think that this is uneccessary and extemely rude, but personally I think it was taken out of context. He is putting himself on the line by telling the gag, therefore well aware of how people would react. I have included the clip to let you judge for yourself, you will see the joke approx 2 minutes into the video.

Ricky Gervais Live- 'Fame'.

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