Friday 25 April 2008

Hip Hop- The 'Bad' Lifestyle

Hip Hop has come under scrutiny ever since it was created, with lyrics causing the most controversy. Subject matter can range from gang violence, all the way to teenage pregnacy. Snoop Dogg was banned in 2007 from entering the U.K. because of his violent gang related past. The tour in which he wished to bring to the U.K. was called the 'peace' tour. Surely this is showing and incentive to end the violent themes that often arrive with Hip Hop, If not I think its a pretty good attempt. The subject matter in the lyrics we hear shouldnt be seen as showing teenagers the 'wrong route' but rather highlighting the problems in which youths today have growing up.

If these things are happening, then I think that it should be known and not pushed away as if nothing is wrong. Drugs is also an issue, in which Snoop knows all too well, and so needs to be 'reported' on by Artist. A teenager is hardly going to buy a gun and shoot up their local Tesco after hearing 50 Cent on the radio are they? If policing and Government incentives were put in place, more could be done to stop the crimes we hear of from happening.
It was announced in april 2008 that Snoop Dogg finally had his ban from the U.K. lifted after evidence was found to prove his innocence in a recent scuffle with security in Heathrow airport. He hadn't been all good though, after getting probation when caught smoking his favourite girl, Mary Jane, outside a New York night club. I suppose you can't have everything can you?

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