Thursday 8 May 2008

Final Blog

Age? 18

Sex? Male

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Creative and professional writing with media and comms

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes, especially the Writing side of my course.
If so, how? And if not, why not? The stories and novels read in lectures very often have acts of 'being bad'

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? I think it maintained an appropriate level.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? The topics that were covered related to the concept of being bad.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? racism

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes, the changing of lecturers each week was a good idea.

What did you think of the module team? Each lecturer brought their own style and I think it combined well.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? Yes, definately
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Information and talk from lecturers?

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes, because they are all key modules for anyone taking being bad, as well as relating to many aspects of being bad.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? Yes

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Yes

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?Yes they worked well.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? yes

What have you learned from the module? Being bad is not just the obvious choices, but things like masturbation can also be seen as being bad.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? weblogs, because it gave me the chance to really explore my ideas

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? I think being too religious was a dissapointing topic.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?

Holy water- Alcohol

'Holy Water' as we call it in Dublin, Alcohol has been the fuel to many nights out all across the world. Parties, Football matches, BBQ's all the way to wakes, alcohol is consumened. It is deep in our culture to drink alcohol and enjoy ourselves, although after one too many that is not always the case.
I think that alcohol is not a problem, until people start to take its use out of context. It should be used for celebration or to enjoy yourself with friends. Not to abuse to ignore problems, or solve others.

Body Modification

This topic Interested and suprised me in the lecture. When I hear 'body modification' the obvious thing that comes to mind is tattoos, not things like going to the gym etc. As a gym member I enjoy keeping in shape and looking after my body, although I do not think that it should fall into the catagory of body modification.

Tattoos are very popular is society, with piercings following behind. The rush of having your own body art can be very appealing to someone without, as it can be your personal mark for people to remember you by.

Body modification (or body alteration) is the permanent or semi-permanent altering of the human body for non-medical reasons, most often religious or aesthetic. It can range from the socially acceptable decoration (e.g., pierced ears on women in North American society), to religiously mandated (e.g., circumstision of Jewish male babies) to the rebellious (e.g., Nostril Piercing in punk subculture). Opponents of these practices argue that they are self-imposed disfigurement.

3rd comment-drugs, a natural high?

In reply to your blog about drugs, I agree with the point on the use of drugs. If red indians can have their use of drugs accepted, why can't anybody else? There should be no reason why society should 'allow' others to take substances and then say its wrong for others. On the other hand, I think that drugs will always be used and abused. We have used them for hundreds of years and I can't see it halting any time soon.

The use of cannibus is one society is usually split on when deciding is it ok to use. It was recently raised to a class b drug, which has come under severe scrutiny from users alike all around the country. Rules and methods of use will change, but the consumption of drugs in society will remain.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Gambling-The addiction

''Risking money or valuables in hopes of winning more than you're risking is gambling. Calling it a "friendly bet," or a "gentleman's bet," or saying "We're just making the game a little more interesting" does not alter the fact that it is still gambling.''

I think that gambling is definately an addiction, but at the same time I think that it can be excused because of no physical signs.

''Most all of us have sat around and fantasized about what we would do if we won the lottery or hit it big in Las Vegas. But for most of us, these fantasies remain fantasies. Perhaps we buy an occasional lottery ticket, but that's about it. And some people can gamble occasionally without it affecting their lives seriously.''

Addiction to gambling can be a very difficult one to beat, with casinos being built in most cities, you would find it hard to pass by in case of relapse. With more and more gambling sites set up online and on television, the dangers are there. I think the government did the correct thing in denying the massive casinos to be built around the country, as we have enough already.


Bullying has lingered in schools around the country for hundreds of years, with 2008 being no acception. School play grounds can be the host to many tortured years for any student victim to bullying. As I was never bullied myself, I can imagine the stress of being afraid to walk to school being very bad. There has been adverts on television in regards to bullying made by anti-bullying groups as well as the government. Schools have they're own rules regarding the matter.

It can also be found outside of the school yard, and with adults in workplaces or in their own home. Many companies have had bullying reported, with employees pushing co workers to resign, or even worse, fired.

Saturday 3 May 2008

Lying With Integrity

Lying with integrity can cause many problems in a relationship. When your Girlfriend asks does that dress she just bought make her bum look big, what do you do? Say yes an hurt her feelings or lie and tell her it only enhances her already beautiful looks. Some of us lie without even putting effort, it just seems that lying can be a better option. I dont think it makes you a bad person if you lie for the benefit of someone else. It's once you start lying to gain for yourself that you must start to act.

There is always the question of lying, and being lied to, which was brought up in the lecture on lying with integrity. Obviously no one likes to be lied to, but it happens. Can you justify lying to someone and then reacting negatively when it turns out that you have been victim to a lie? The answer clearly has to be, NO.

Wednesday 30 April 2008

3rd comment- response to smoking ban blog

I disagree with your views on the smoking ban, as I think peoples choices are being slowly taken away from us by the Government. Pubs should have split into non smoking and smoking, as it was before but with stronger rules to ensure that both areas were respected. Smokers pay massive tax duty to the Government through buying cigarettes, so why should they be forced out into the cold? It seems to contradict selling them in the first place, if you arent allowed to smoke in a public place.

The main establishment to be effected by the smoking ban, is obviously pubs, where yet again smokers give their hard earned cash to buy drinks. Why on top of all this should a ban come into place. On a positive note, the ban encourages people to quit smoking, but at the same time we shouldnt be forced into something we do not want to do.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

2nd comment

The blog you made, 'smoking-Marlboro cowboys', raised two questions that relate to my own blog on the topic of smoking.
''However, the question is, is ignorance better or is knowing the dangers and still continuing, the correct thing to do?''
People continue to smoke even though there has been an insentive by the government to make aware the dangers of smoking over the last 5 years. Slogans such as 'smoking seriously harms you and the others around you' can be found on every cigarette packet, and yet we STILL buy them. By ignoring the dangers and continuing to smoke, you are no better off. The damages will build up. For some it may be too late to quit by the time they have paid attention and done their research.

Monday 28 April 2008

1st Comment-

In response to the blog on Jeremy Kyle (
I have mixed feelings when talking about the show, there are couples who solve their differences although maybe not it the correct way. Personally I would never take part in the show or anything similar to it, as I would not like my details broadcast to the nation. On the other hand, if a couple who's relationship is in danger of ending, the show does act as a savior and place to air their views. Jeremy adds his input although He can dominate the conversation (It is HIS show), which I dont think helps at all.

You mentioned that you watch programmes like Jerry Springer', surely that falls into the same catagorey? Both involve coming onto a stage, live on television and having your intimate details raised by a host eager to boost ratings. All guest's should know what to expect before they dish out insults alike for us all to see.

Saturday 26 April 2008

1st lecture-Being Bad

The first lecture was a way of introducing the key concepts of Being Bad, with examples relating to the title being given by all students in the lecture hall. Things like drugging dogs all the way to exporting drugs to foreign lands were submitted, gaining laughs all round. Personally I think there is definately something that turns me on when 'being bad, doing things that are 'Morally' wrong. You know, things that make your parents shake their head or that teacher you never see eye to eye with completely freak out at the sound of the fire alarm. Lifes hard enough as it is without those snotty nosed, never-step-out-of-the-box characters that we see day in day out complaining about the state of todays youth.

Friday 25 April 2008

Hip Hop- The 'Bad' Lifestyle

Hip Hop has come under scrutiny ever since it was created, with lyrics causing the most controversy. Subject matter can range from gang violence, all the way to teenage pregnacy. Snoop Dogg was banned in 2007 from entering the U.K. because of his violent gang related past. The tour in which he wished to bring to the U.K. was called the 'peace' tour. Surely this is showing and incentive to end the violent themes that often arrive with Hip Hop, If not I think its a pretty good attempt. The subject matter in the lyrics we hear shouldnt be seen as showing teenagers the 'wrong route' but rather highlighting the problems in which youths today have growing up.

If these things are happening, then I think that it should be known and not pushed away as if nothing is wrong. Drugs is also an issue, in which Snoop knows all too well, and so needs to be 'reported' on by Artist. A teenager is hardly going to buy a gun and shoot up their local Tesco after hearing 50 Cent on the radio are they? If policing and Government incentives were put in place, more could be done to stop the crimes we hear of from happening.
It was announced in april 2008 that Snoop Dogg finally had his ban from the U.K. lifted after evidence was found to prove his innocence in a recent scuffle with security in Heathrow airport. He hadn't been all good though, after getting probation when caught smoking his favourite girl, Mary Jane, outside a New York night club. I suppose you can't have everything can you?

Thursday 24 April 2008

Being Too Religous

The prayer at the start of the lecture got mixed reviews when feedback was given. I didnt think that the prayer was offensive, as the U.K. has always practiced Christianity. Is it offensive to practice the core religion in your own country? Maybe it could be seen as leaving other religions and faiths out of the picture, but I honestly do not see the problem.

Was the lecture hall the correct venue for the prayer to take place? I think that isn't a valid issue. Surely the prayer was meant for everyone present, so in my opinion those who were offended may have taken it the other way around, and left their faith entirely out.

In a world where race and religion are under intense scrutiny, the prayer may have been taken out of context.

''In past eras when crime inside churches was rare, the church sanctuaries were open most, and often all, of the time, ready for anyone with spiritual needs to come in and pray in peace. As with everything else nowadays, the fears, expense, staffing and effort to do that is too much for most congregations. But then, where can we pray? Anywhere, I suppose, but the rest of our lives and our world get in the way.'' -

To solve the problem, notification should be given beforehand to warn those who have strong feelings about religion can expect to experience another religion. Learning from other religions can only be a good thing in my eyes, as similarities can be made and differences understood on top of clearing up any issues one may have.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Bad Comedians

'Bad Comedians' such as Roy Chubby Brown and Bernard Manning where shown on the power point in the lecture. They fall into the group who's jokes/gags are usually racially motivated. Is it racist to poke fun at another race in the form of a joke? I think that if its funny and only to make people laugh rather than embarrase or hate a minority then no. The problem is, deciding what is funny and what isn't. Personally I dont care what subject a joke may be based on, as long as it gets a laugh and its usable then I'm fine.

Ricky Gervais raised a fair amount of controversy while on tour making his stand-up DVD 'Fame'. He included several jokes aimed at cancer patients. Alot would think that this is uneccessary and extemely rude, but personally I think it was taken out of context. He is putting himself on the line by telling the gag, therefore well aware of how people would react. I have included the clip to let you judge for yourself, you will see the joke approx 2 minutes into the video.

Ricky Gervais Live- 'Fame'.

Tuesday 22 April 2008


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Monday 21 April 2008

Have you got a spare cig mate?

That question. Have you got a spare cig mate? I must have said it to at least 50 people and all with the same answer. No. Although a few from the older generations advised I quit 'that dirty habit'.
The lecture on smoking brought up the idea of it being 'sexy' and 'cool', with film stars and other celebs being pin pointed as evidence. You can see the picture Im trying to paint, the leather jacket, slick black hair with a marlboro hanging out of his mouth in the disco. All the girls obviously fancy this boy because of the smoke he's inhaling. Ok, maybe 50 years ago, after all we are swamped with gym adverts on t.v and healthy living being promoted through food etc.
But the whole issue about the cigarette still ponders on. It makes your clothes and breathe stink as well as slowly killing you. I dont need to tell any smokers that, it clearly states it on every cigarette box sold. But still we smoke, obviously informed of the negative effects to come from the habit, not to mention the expense. I have included two websites for both sides of the arguement, you can see which one has the best reasons why you should/should'nt smoke. - anti smoking
People will always challenge authorities, it just seem to be in us from birth. By being told not to do something, there is always that little bit in you that wants to say, ''You know what? I think I will''. Smoking is a personal choice at the end of the day, its only you and your cigarette. So.....Has anyone got a spare cig? No?....
Dirty habit anyway.

Drugs. YES? NO?

Ok, So your at a party and the person beside you offers a spliff. what do you say? yes, and take the high road or no and save it for the hippies? Judging on my personal experience with drugs, I'd choose the later, but who's to say whats right and whats wrong, right?

Talking about the negative responses in the lecture, I came to ask myself, how come we never hear the times when people used drugs, and quite frankly enjoyed themselves? Its always the villiage clown who takes one to many hits on the reefer or popped a few pills for a night on the tiles that vomits outside the club while shouting abuse at randomers, that make the headlines in national newspapers. The effects of drugs are cleary made online as well as on television. Those choosing to experiment in drugs should learn how to deal with the effects. By going into it all not knowing what to expect, then its obvious that things could go very wrong.

If people would Know their limits or at least carry a sober friend to look after them while 'high', then events as mentioned would'nt make the journey through town at night a nighmare. Somebody in the lecture mentioned stopping supplies and finding out who is selling the drugs. my main issue would be asking WHY they are selling drugs.

Attitudes will always differ on drugs, it will never change. On one side you have drug users, and the other side firmly against the evils of home reckers known as heroin.

Saturday 19 April 2008

attitudes to infidelity

The main issue I tend to have with infidelity is the different reactions from both sexes. while men are considered 'players' for the amount of women they have slept with, women tend to face the negative attitudes to this by being labelled terms such as 'sluts', 'tramps' etc. Is it ok to cheat on a partner? In my opinion no, but others obviously feel differently if they do sway from their partners.
An example of our feelings on the topic as a society as a whole is expressed on soaps such as Coranation Street, Eastenders, Hollyoaks etc. All people seem to do is experiment in infidelity! How many marriages and relationships do people really go through? Surely sleeping with your neighbour isnt an every day thing? Maybe Ive been missing out, but the rate at which these characters that we watch week in week out cheat is unbelievable.
Back to my innitial point, on the split between men and women when relating to infidelity, I think that both parties involved regardless of their sex are guilty. By choosing to sleep with someone else, while in a relationship, you are to blame along with the person you slept with. There can't be a rule for one and a different rule for the rest. As soon as people and society realise that there was two people (maybe more?...) involved then attitudes will change. Until then we've got Eastenders.....